Investment Holdings

The Google spreadsheets below show you my current investment  holdings. My holdings should not be considered an investment recommendation, as my risk tolerance and investment goals are different from those of any reader. Furthermore, I conducted research into each of my holdings before investing in order to ensure that the security met my investment needs.

FP = Full position
OW = Overweight
AFP = Almost full position
HP = Half position
SP = Small position

Tax Free-Saving Account Holdings

Registered Retirement Savings Plan Account Holdings

Unregistered Investment Account Holdings

Registered Education Savings Program


  1. I'm growing quite interested in investing in Alaris Royalty. But how do you find an entry price on it that would give some margin of safety? I'm at a loss to figure this out. Any advice here would be gratefully studied.

    1. Great question. My plan has been to post an analysis of Alaris, but I never get around to it. A couple quick thoughts regarding entry price with a margin of safety. Current P/E is about 19, pretty much in line with 5yr average. Your confidence in management to continue to grow the dividend will materially impact your k and g values in estimating a price with a dividend discount model. Lastly, I have bought shares in Alaris between 24.50 and 34.50 over the past 3 years, and always felt comfortable. To me, it's about having faith in their business model and buying at times when they admit to a rare mistake in picking an investee.

      Does that help at all?

    2. Thanks so much for this. I'm going to watch its yield as an indicator as well as the p/e. If 19 is the average, obviously 18 is 5% or so better etc. And if the broad market drops, that might provide an opportunity.

  2. Nice portfolio :)

    Not surprising maybe, there are only about 30-40 solid dividend payers worth owning in Canada. The rest are speculation!


    1. Thanks Marc. There does tend to be a lot of overlap in the portfolios of Canadian Dividend growth investors given the limited number of quality companies on the TSE. That said, I always find the differences between weightings of individual stocks amongst investors interesting.

      I appreciate your comment and will continue to be a big fan of your blog. Best wishes!

  3. Looks like you have a pretty well diversified portfolio. Nice to see that we share some names in common too. Always happy to see another portfolio with Canadian banks in the mix. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks for the comment Keith. Although I try to diversify my holdings, like most Canadian dividend growth investors, I'm heavy into the banking, telecomm and REIT sectors. We share our love of Canadian banks :)

  4. Hi
    you have BPY.un in your TFSA. does the dividend get reduced by withholding tax in your TFSA. can you please check and let me know. am not getting a clear answer.

  5. No, the BPY dividend has not been reduced by a withholding tax. Given the proposed new corporate tax structure of BPY, the taxation of the distribution should become a non-issue in a couple of months.

  6. Thank you very much. your site is informative.


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